What can we learn from the Garmin ransomware attack?

For almost a week, Garmin users were unable to access their Garmin Connect accounts. This meant they couldn’t upload workouts or automatically sync activities to Strava! Sure, it’s easy enough to do the old way with a USB data cable, but that’s beside the point. We all know now that Garmin were cyber attacked by…

Tearing it up on the rough stuff again!

Sometimes you’ve just got to get away from the sealed road. No, I’m not talking about that trendy gravel garbage. I mean properly away from the road, away from anywhere a car can reach. Proper trails! If you haven’t embraced the down and dirty ways of the mountain bike, I implore you to give it…

Buying a bike online through Canyon

First up let me be clear. I’m a huge believer in supporting your local bike shop and buying local, but sometimes to get what you want you need to order online. This is especially true down here in “deep south” Tasmania where things are harder source. So when I was in the market for a…

Will a fast bike make me faster?

Anyone who tells you it’s not about the bike has not ridden enough fast bikes. Period. Sure you can’t make up for weak legs with fancy carbon, but fast bikes fly off the shelves and are used by the pro peloton for a reason. The bike 100% makes a difference.  So will buying that $10,000…

2020 Resolution Ride #7 – The Double Rumney Bunchie!

Tasmania is COVID-free! You heard right, there are officially ZERO cases of Coronavirus in Tasmania, although on mainland Australia they are not quite so lucky. In other good news, we’re allowed to ride in groups again! It’s been a LONG time since I’ve ridden in a bunch. I can hardly recall a time before COVID-19…