Gravel Season!

“Hey AI, create an image of a dog riding a gravel bike, racing a goat!” The clocks have long since gone back an hour, the sun is getting lower in the sky, and the snakes have (mostly) gone back to bed. That can only mean one thing here in the Southern Hemisphere. Gravel season! My…

That fleeting feeling of fitness

Do you ever have those weeks where you feel like you’re flying? Like you’re dancing on the pedals? I’ve not had many in my years of cycling, but recently I’ve felt like I’ve been riding strong (for me) while hardly putting pressure on the pedals. It’s what many would refer to as being “in form”…

Countdown: Racing the UCI Tour de Brisbane

In around eight weeks time, I’ll be taking on the 110km UCI Tour de Brisbane. This will be the second UCI sanctioned race in my totally illustrious bike racing career. The Tour de Brisbane is a road event, one of only two Australian Qualifiers for the 2024 Gran Fondo World Championships. My goal for this…

The Distance Goal Conundrum

I have a love-hate relationship with distance-based goals. Recently I have been trying to move away from distance goals and towards time-based goals instead. At the end of the day, distance is just one measurement we can use to gauge progress, and it is not always the best one. Time on the other hand, is…

How to ride the Rapha Festive 500 on FulGaz: The 2022 Edition

Back again for 2022, this is my third edition of How to Complete the Festive 500 on FulGaz. Updated with some brand-new rides for 2022, this guide will give you everything you need to plan out your challenge and get you successfully across the line. Download the app, sign up for a 14-day free trial and get pedalling. You can thank me later. 

Heart Health in Endurance Athletes: A full 3D scan and some news I didn’t want to hear

Sitting in my cardiologist’s office reading the report from my heart scans and tests, it was not the news I was expecting to get today. Very high risk. All these tests were meant to be precautionary, a journey to a “yep you’re fine” outcome, simply confirming that nothing untoward was occurring in my arteries. I didn’t expect bad news! I’m a clean-eating, clean-living hard-working endurance athlete. What does that even mean for me now and in the future?