A perfect Sunday cafe spin!

After almost a year in Tassie I finally managed to meet up with a local rider. Paul lives in the next town over and I’d initially found him through Strava, as we swapped KOMs back and forth a few times when I first moved to Tassie, then crossed paths out riding on our own. More recently…

Turbo training? Ummmm…

So I’ve been on holiday in Vietnam for a little while getting away from it all, hence the lack of new posts. There’s a few coming don’t worry, but for now here’s an image that popped up on my Twitter feed: Turbo training: You’re doing it wrong…

Cycling Vietnam: Same same, but different!

Same same, but different. It’s a saying the Vietnamese use to describe the way they do things, how they live, what they’re selling, almost anything. It boils down to how their way of life is essentially the same as Westerners, but actually very, very different! Same same, but different: The Vietnamese way VS the Western way….