2022 Resolution Ride #10 – First long ride on the meds

I’ve actually completed a couple of hundreds this month, but this one was the first since moving onto my full medication regime. I rolled out with the intention to ride hard and see how my body (and mind) reacted to the longer endurance ride with some efforts thrown into the mix.

Where have all the real men (and 23mm tyres) gone?

Whatever happened to the 23mm tyre? It seems over the last few years it’s fallen out of favour and replaced with wider, softer, higher volume rubber. It’s coincided with bikes going soft too. Bring back the skinny I say! Bring back the days of stiff-as-a-board race pedigree road bikes rolling on skinny tyres pumped up…

2022 Resolution Ride #04 – Autumn has arrived

The clocks went back an hour over the weekend, signalling the slide into winter. I’m sure there’s still plenty of good riding weather left before winter properly hits, but down here in Tasmania you just never know! The mornings are getting nippy, and the evenings are much darker. The weekly hammer fest that is the…

For the love of the group ride

I do a lot of my cycling solo. It’s easy for me as I can simply roll out at whatever time suits and with very little notice. Often I’m very last minute when I ride, keeping an eye on the best “weather window” to get out there! Riding solo, I can set my own pace,…

Velo 7173: Back on Daylight Savings time!

After a long hiatus over the winter months, the #Velo7171 Wednesday Evening Ride is back! This week Adam and I kicked it off with the first of the season – making the most of the added evening sunshine brought on by the start of daylight savings time. Sneaking out the door a tad early, I…

The RBWR: A hump day hammer fest

The RBWR – or Richmond Bakery Wednesday Ride – is a Tassie institution. This weekly bunch ride is technically advertised as “no drop” ride, but if you want to hang with the fast guns, then it’s more like “no drop as long as you can grit your teeth and mash the pedals.” That’s fine with…