Gravel Season!

“Hey AI, create an image of a dog riding a gravel bike, racing a goat!” The clocks have long since gone back an hour, the sun is getting lower in the sky, and the snakes have (mostly) gone back to bed. That can only mean one thing here in the Southern Hemisphere. Gravel season! My…

Five tips to tackle your first gravel race!

Or perhaps a more apt title might be; Five things I learned from my first gravel race! Here’s one I’ll throw out there for free – gravel racing is hard! As you may know I recently completed the Beechworth edition of the Trek UCI Gravel World Series. My first gravel race. I certainly learned a thing…

Gravel: A change is as good as a rest

Over the last weeks of summer I rode myself into a bit of a hole. I was pushing hard, seeing good progress, and hitting tough training sessions with vigour. I was feeling great, until I wasn’t. All of a sudden my legs simply said no. My performance dropped and so did my motivation to ride…

Where have all the real men (and 23mm tyres) gone?

Whatever happened to the 23mm tyre? It seems over the last few years it’s fallen out of favour and replaced with wider, softer, higher volume rubber. It’s coincided with bikes going soft too. Bring back the skinny I say! Bring back the days of stiff-as-a-board race pedigree road bikes rolling on skinny tyres pumped up…

Gravel. It’s STILL so hot right now…

Gravel. It’s no longer the terrain of bearded, sandal wearing introverts who shun society. These days it’s the hottest trend in “road” cycling. All the Rapha clad hipsters are turning their slightly knobby road tyres off the bitumen and onto the unsealed unknown. I’ve never been a huge fan. I love the road. There’s nothing…

April Round Up: A bonus month of cycling weather

Maybe it’s my old age, but I swear there just aren’t as many days in each month any more. Or perhaps the hours are getting shorter. Either way, yet another month of 2021 has flown by in a flash and we’re one third of the way through the year already. Back at the end of…