A bigger bike shed (aka Home sweet Tassie home!)

You may have noticed it’s been a little bit quiet on the new posts front here over the past month or so. Well there has been a legit reason… We did it! April and I finally and officially have bought our very own little piece of Tasmania! :-) It’s our first ever home buy – and university HECS payments aside – our first ever debt. Exciting and scary in equal measures.

After attending countless open days and inspections since landing on the Island around 18 months ago, we bit the bullet and went in with a low offer on a brick house on a decent block of land. It’s going to be quite the change for us both – for the previous 12 or so years we have lived in nothing but one bedroom homes. Now we’ve got a big brick house on 3.5 acres (that’s 1.45 hectares or 14,500 square metres) of land!

From offer to acceptance to finance and the mountains of paperwork, it’s quite a process and one I don’t plan on repeating in a while. It does come with a fairly sizeable shed to store a few toys in though so it’s all been worth it, hehehe!

I’ve already set up the Zwift training room and bike area – not in that shed above, it’ll need some doors first! Now we can get around to unpacking all those boxes we shipped from England. Onto the next chapter!

9 Comments Add yours

  1. bgddyjim says:

    Congrats, man! That’s a big step. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It’s been a long time coming, really glad to finally have some space that’s mine.


  2. Steve Hellaby says:

    Looks very nice Klem.  Congratulations!  Looks like the shed is big enough for an indoor velodrome!



    1. Indoor mini Velodrome, now there’s an idea!! :-)


  3. that’s some bike shed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. bikegoddess says:

    Woo-hoo! Congrats! Exciting times! I love my side of the garage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It’s certainly exciting!


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